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    Your Requirements
  • Porcelain PavingBlock PavingTegula PavingIndian SandstoneFencingTurfingFire Pits/ BBQ AreasDigital Measuring ServiceOther- please detail in work description
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  • Upload any Images or Plans here.

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    Please note this form will produce an initial estimate only and any quotes are subject to a visual of the property

    Digital Measurement

    Our Digital Measuring service is specifically designed for your needs. Our tools utilise motion and spatial awareness technology to accurately measure and record distances, angles, and shapes in three dimensions without the need for physical contact or line of sight. We quickly and easily measure any space and create precise plans for your projects. Our service is versatile and convenient and improves efficiency and accuracy for all types of landscaping tasks. Please fill in your project details below for a customised response.

      Your Details

      Upload any Images or Plans here.

      * Required

      Digital Measurement is a fixed price per property and customers receive full measurements and drawings with 3D plans if required. We offer all customers the opportunity to receive the cost of their Digital Measurement service discounted from any projects they subsequently undertake with us
